Period 1 (1450-1648)
The (Catholic) Counter Reformation
The English Reformation (Part I:
Henry VIII and the Church of England)
The English Reformation (Part II:
Edward VI, Bloody Mary, Elizabeth I)
Period 2 (1648-1815)
Mercantilism: The Economics of Absolutism
Peter the Great: Tsar of Russia
The Great Northern War (and Peter the Great)
Absolutism vs. Constitutionalism
What is a Stadtholder? (Dutch Republic)
Cogito ergo sum
(Introduction to Descartes)
British Agricultural Revolution
Deductive vs. Inductive Reasoning
Deism (Natural vs. Revealed Religion in the Enlightenment)
French Revolution (1 - Old Regime)
French Revolution (2 - Estates General)
French Revolution (3 - National Assembly)
French Revolution (4 - Rights of Man)
French Revolution (5 - Civil Constitution of the Clergy)
Women and the French Revolution
(Part 1 - Introduction)
Women and the French Revolution
(Part 2 - Marie Antionette)
Women and the French Revolution
(Part 3 - Olympe de Gouges)
Women and the French Revolution
(Part 4 - Mary Wollstonecraft vs. Edmund Burke)
Women and the French Revolution
(Part 5 - Charlotte Corday and the Death of Marat)
Women and the French Revolution
(Part 6 - Concluding Remarks)
Period 3 (1815-1914)
Classical vs. American Liberalism
Revolutions of 1848 Introduction (Part 1)
Revolutions of 1848 in France (Part 2)
Revolutions of 1848 in the German States (Part 3)
Revolutions of 1848 in Italy (Part 4)
Revolutions of 1848 in Britain and Russia/
Concluding Remarks (Part 5)
German Unification (Part I:
The Failure of Liberal Nationalism)
German Unification (Part II:
Bismarck's Realpolitik)
German Unification (Part III:
Blood and Iron)
Auguste Comte: Positivism & the 3 Stages
The Second Industrial Revolution
Military Technologies of the Second Industrial Revolution (Civil War and WWI Compared)
Treaty of Versailles (as a Shopping Spree)
Period 4 (1914-present)
Dulce et Decorum Est - Wilfred Owen (WWI Poetry)
Treaty of Versailles Shopping Spree
Adolf Hitler's Rise to Power (Part I - 1889-1921)
Adolf Hitler's Rise to Power (Part II - 1921-1929)
Adolf Hitler's Rise to Power (Part III - 1929-1933)
Hell Is Other People (Jean-Paul Sartre/No Exit/Existentialism)